We've made it! It's now time to think about stretch goals, and there are a lot of 'em.
We are not out of the woods yet! At any moment, a backer could reduce their funding amount, so success is not certain! Please continue to tweet and Facebook this project to the very last minute!
Thank you so much!

We have many great Stretch Goals to reach for! With more cash, I can get more plugins for Game Maker Studio and use them to get the game out on more formats! The phone games will be a totally different design, meant to be played on the go with a touch screen. I will not just put a virtual D-pad on the corners of the screen, because you people deserve better!
If we reach the color comic, it will be released Digitally to every one who backed, even if only a dollar. So, that's something fun for everyone. It will be about 10 pages and give a backstory of the cave world of Maya Breaker.
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