Friday, December 5, 2014

Progress in Making the Video Game Maya Breaker

Hey everyone. Glad to be here. I've been aloof since the Kickstarter. Frankly, I've been tired. I now have the funds to buy original music tracks and the software I need to finish the game.

Now, I just need to decide how to finish it. I've completely revised the pixel art style since the KS. I'm trying to get a new trailer out.

I know I've been pleading for votes on Steam Greenlight, but selling on Steam is very important. Even with the KS funds, this project won't be profitable unless it gets on Steam. I need this.

Anyway, I'm going to sit back and just post Screenshots for a few weeks. I need the time to finish the game code and take care of the family holiday stuff.  Look for more pictures.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Home Stretch

Maya Breaker Indie Game Steam Greenlight Page

We didn't reach out 100 votes, but we got 96. So that's pretty good. December will be the home stretch for Maya Breaker. The goal is to release the game in the lull of games for January 2015. The first release will be for Windows 7, with other OS close to follow.

Please talk to your favorite Facebook and Twitter celebrities and try to get them to promote this Greenlight!

At any rate, most of the new spritework has been loaded and I will be uploading a new trailer tomorrow.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Maya Breaker Screenshots

Happy Screenshot Saturday. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. We are just a few votes away from 100! Please share this link with everyone so we can reach out goal:

Steam Greenlight Maya Breaker Page

In other news, the new sprite art is going over great.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Maya Breaker Update and New Steam Greenlight Campaign!

Time for an update!

 Thank you all for helping with the Kickstarter, it was a great experience. I am happy to say that the game is coming along nicely and should be out first on Windows 7. Furthermore, a Wii U download version may be in the works.

 First and foremost is the Win version and a release on Steam. These are the most important. It's not like we made millions on KS, so selling on Steam is the only way we can make the game ultimately successful. The page we had up before was a "Concept", not a real game, so I need you all to go to the NEW page below and up vote THAT greenlight game!

Maya Breaker NEW Greenlight Page 

 As for other news, the game is looking great. The new pixel art and music are wonderful and the builds are getting better and better. Once we get the boss battles scripted, we should be ready for release testing.

 Mac and Ubuntu versions will be released after Win 7, as the Win version is most important to getting on Steam. Thanks again everyone!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our Kickstarter was Successful

Thanks to everyone who supported us! We still need to get on Steam Greenlight, so please support us there now.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stretch Goals are Here!

We've made it! It's now time to think about stretch goals, and there are a lot of 'em.
We are not out of the woods yet! At any moment, a backer could reduce their funding amount, so success is not certain! Please continue to tweet and Facebook this project to the very last minute!

Thank you so much!

 We have many great Stretch Goals to reach for! With more cash, I can get more plugins for Game Maker Studio and use them to get the game out on more formats! The phone games will be a totally different design, meant to be played on the go with a touch screen. I will not just put a virtual D-pad on the corners of the screen, because you people deserve better!
If we reach the color comic, it will be released Digitally to every one who backed, even if only a dollar. So, that's something fun for everyone. It will be about 10 pages and give a backstory of the cave world of Maya Breaker.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Maya Breaker News Release 2: Kickstarter Near End

Just two more weeks until the Kickstarter is over! We are close to the finish line! This is the time we need everyone to share this on Facebook and Twitter! The big push is coming up and we all need to band together to get the word out on this great Retro game.

Don’t forget to support the kickstarter!

Do you remember the swinging mechanics in Super Castlevania IV and Super Metroid?
Would you like a deep metroidvania adventure built around those controls?

That’s what we’re building here in Maya Breaker. Not only do we have a great underground world to explore, but we’ve taken out most of the backtracking and added more massive bosses. Maya Breaker is a game designed to work with the Retrolink SNES-shaped controller and fully utilize all the buttons. Of course, this also works with a standard Microsoft Gamepad.
You take on the role of Maya, trapped deep underground by a monster. You need to use your grappling hook to jump to higher ledges, solve puzzles, and fight enemies. You will fight nasty bugs, worms, the undead and a race of root-creatures called the Rhizomorphs.

There will be no bats in this game, nor will there be a sewer level. Those things are played out.
Maya Breaker  is a game that forces you to think in all eight directions to solve puzzles and battle enemies.  It encompasses all the best parts of action and exploration from the heydays of 16-bit gaming.
The game will feature authentic 16-but tunes made by Mike Thal, composer from Mega Man 42.
This 16-bit romp is brought to you by Michael Hayes, former artist on ‘Antipole’ another 16-bit style puzzle platformer that is now available on Nintendo eShop, XBLA Indie and Desura.

The game will be playable with Keyboard or Gamepad for Windows 7 and 8, as well as Ubuntu and Mac PCs.

More info and updates at:
Also, there is a playable demo!



Two Weeks!

Yes, it’s come to that point in the campaign. Just two precious weeks to get us across the finish line! 

I’m sure that if we stick together we can make it! Be sure to post this project on Facebook!
I missed screenshot Saturday this week, but with good reason. I have finished build #64 of the game. With just a few more bug fixes, we will be in BETA! New trailer and demo forthcoming.
New features include:
  • Hooks that you can just hand on instead of swing on
  • Idle animations
  • Boss AI and introductions
  • Total time played is now tracked
  • Data about each save file is displayed on the menu.
  • Lifebar is now expandable by collecting power ups!
For now, It’s back to my desk to capture new game footage of the exciting new build! I only use the most advanced equipment at my workstation, so this should be a breeze.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lets Kick - Maya Breaker

Here is a German Let's Player looking at the Maya Breaker demo build.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Kickstarter need help

Maya Breaker Kickstarter

Hey everyone. The KS is mostly over, and the game is more funded than not. We are not out of the woods yet. 

I need your help. I'm not asking you to donate, I'm asking you to Facebook the Kickstarter page. FB is the most powerful networking tool, and I need your help! Note the video has been updated!

-Mike Hayes

Friday, October 3, 2014



Don't forget our Kickstarter campaign!

Great News

I just finished the code to make the buttons programmable! Now you can move the keys or gamepad buttons to anything you want.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

IGDA NJ Indie Arcade night

I took pictures the other night, but they got destroyed somehow. Anyway, I was at this event and it was great.

Arcade Night Gallery

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Maya Breaker Kickstarter Video. a 16 bit style action adventure

Video as it appears on YT.

Kickstarter Announcement

Hey peoples! Things have been going well this week. I'm knee deep in some code that will make all the game buttons and keys customizable.


Yes, today is the day our new Kickstarter launches. This will give me the push we need to finish up. I'd like to thank all the fans who have stuck with us until now. You mean the world to me.

Now if we can just promote this link, all will be gravy.  Thanks again!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Progress: Beta Build now at 95 % !

Hello everybody.

Great news. we are now 95 percent of the way to the BETA build. That's nice and all, but it also means that all the low hanging fruit is taken. I'm going to have a rough week ahead of me to finish this build off.

But as long as I have the support of all my fans out there, I know I can do it!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cancer Walk 2014

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Pancreatic Cancer Walk in Paramus NJ.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Taking a Breather

I've actually gotten ahead a bit with my schedule. That means I can take a nice vacation with my family this weekend!

65% and counting!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cowerks Workshop

Cowerks Workshop

I'll be teaching at the 3D modeling workshop in Asbury Park NJ. Thursday night. There is a little room left, so sign up if you're nearby!

Beta Development has been assessed and we are at 35%!

Beta Development has been assessed and we are at 35%!

Did you see my last vlog? Boy, was I emo. I get down when I'm not sure where I'm going. I'm impossible to drive with--if I don't know exactly where I'm going, I drive like an old lady.
Anyway, I spreadsheeted up all the tasks needed for a complete game and came to a measurement. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought. It just goes to show that the worst monsters are the ones you can't see.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Everything Old is New Again with Maya Breaker

Mike here.  How are you?  You may have seen the Alpha build was done last week, but that doesn't mean we can rest. In fact, we have already started on the Beta. Sound Effects and Visual Effects are on the menu, so be sure to check in tomorrow for Screenshot Saturday!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Extra Credits - Episode 200! - How Far Have Games Come Since 2008?

My favorite youtube show has just reached a milestone. I wanted to take a moment to appreciate all the fine work they do. Being a game developer is hard, and sometimes it feels like no one care about your problems. This show is on the cutting edge of all the concerns I have and having them there helps me out when things seem hopeless.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Alpha Build Done

Hey everybody. The Alpha Build is done. That essentially means all the necessary assets are loaded and the game isn't crashing. Are all the assets in their final form? No. Could the game use some more sprites and sound effects?  Yes. But life must go on, and now the Alpha is done. I'm going to work on making the game a complete and fun experience. Images will be edited and new ones will be added before we're done, but this stage of our journey is done.

I was planning on version 41 to be the demo, and I was going to make a Sum 41 reference, but then the code crashed. I had to rebuild everything from backups to make version 42. I'm sad, because I can't think of any good references I can make with that number.

Look in the media page soon to find the Playable Alpha Demo.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Getting Close...

Got some good coding done last night. Am rapidly approaching the Alpha build.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Chic - Le Freak

I just found out that this was the #1 song on the day I was born.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Demo Night Arcade IGDA NJ

It has been a busy week. No sooner than I return from Too Many Games in Oaks, PA, that I travel to the IGDA NJ meeting in Hoboken NJ. I'd like to thank everyone there to played my demo. I hope to have a new version of the demo for download next week.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Gnarly Bosses

Working on some gnarly boss sprites. Truly gnarly. Don't doubt their gnarls.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Need After Effects Person

Hey, I need someone who is good at Adobe After Effects.  Good at putting words on screen and such.
I need help  with the next trailer.   Please email me at mike  AT

Monday, June 30, 2014

Thanks to Too Many Games

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our table at Too Many Games in Oaks, Pennsylvania. It was great to get feedback and to have people appreciate our game. I'll be posting soon about our next appearance!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Had a great time at AMA 2014

Thanks to everyone who came to my panels and all the fun times we had.

Didn't get a chance to demo Maya Breaker due to scheduling conflicts, but I'll have a new demo uploaded shortly.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thoughts on E3 Day One

Nintendo Direct happened. That's about sums it up. I really like Splatoon. It's like the first post-TF2 game that Nintendo has. I don't really play TF2, but I love the lore and the fans. I hope Nintendo can snag some of that market.

Smash Brother is about what I expected. Still gonna buy it. Still gonna play it big.

All the games look good. I wish they had put the indie game sizzle real in the main video and not in the treehouse afterward. Anyway, I'm just happy Nintendo is working with more indies.

As to not having a Mario game, as expressed in the Robot Chicken short. They really didn't have one. Mario Editor is not a new Mario game. If they said they were going to announce a new Mario game, and it turned out to be Mario Editor, everyone would be super angry.

So, yes, it was true that they didn't announce a Mario game.

Also, Reggie and Iwata fight, FTW!

Thoughts on E3 Day Zero

Lots of sequels is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the press conferences. Do we really need more Halo and Assassin's Creed? I guess we do. I'd like to see more time devoted to indie games, but that's a very self serving position. I'll just stick to my likes and dislikes.

Tomb Raider looks good. So does Scaleborne.

Sony impressed me more. I like the PS Now and TV. It's like they are doing what the OnLive and Amazon TV box should have been. Of course, we'll have to wait and see if it actually works as advertised. Putting PS Now directly into Sony TV's was inevitable. I don't have a problem with it.

Still tentatively optimistic about  The Order

No Man's Sky is what I enjoyed the most. It's like what SPORE should have been.  I'll keep an eye on that.

Well, now on to Nintendo...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Progress Bar

I have calculated that I have 44.82% of the assets needed for the final game. Yay. They are on their way, however.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Going to Classic Game Tourney

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//;version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//;version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

10 days to E3

WE will not be at E3, but we will be at Anime Mid-Atlantic that following weekend with a playable demo f the game.

Great Night

Got some great work done last night. Fixed bugs. Added sprites.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Play Testers Needed

I need playtesters. Please email me at mike at xanthous ray games dot com if you have Windows 7 and a controller.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

New Content

Added Lots of new content, like roots that hang from the ceiling, and water dripping from stalactites.

Friday, April 18, 2014

South Jersey Geekfest

I'm going to South Jersey Geekfest tomorrow. If you're near Woodbury Heights, NJ come by.

You will be able to play a raw alpha of the game!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

About Amazon Fire TV

So, a new game platform popped up out of nowhere the other day. The controller seems no different than any mainstream PC or console controller. Is this a good place for Maya Breaker? It's an Android based system, so there is the possibility. I will be looking into it. We will see how this pans out.